Not a whole lot has been going right lately. Currently writing this at 1:15 am and cant sleep … Again. So it’s time for some thoughts on some movies I’ve seen recently!

Vicky Christina Barcelona

For the most part it was decent, good cast of pretty ladies pretty much getting drunk and laid in Barcelona with the guy from no country for old men. Didn’t particularly like how it ended — pretended to be sort of like a “hmm that’s clever” Amelie movie but just ended all the sudden without much context. 6.5/10


Pretty legit action movie, a little bit off the mark but I liked it a lot. Kate Blanchet is an amazing actress. Crystal Method did the soundtrack. 8/10

oh and …

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I thought this movie suuuuuucked. I could go on, but yeah, really didn’t like this one. Too much CGI too, might as well have made it a video game.  Monkeys have always creeped me out though, so for that I give these guys credit. 4/10