Started writing this in Houston from my damp hotel room when I  couldn’t  sleep and everything smells like barbecue sauce…

So, I’ve started to check oup now that I know that I’m escaping Satan’s asshole here at work soon and have decided…

It’s time I share the fierce story with you concerning the amazingly epic fake band I’m in… GHOST ROCK.

Disclaimer – only read this if you are very bored…the events depicted below are 100% true. Come away with me reader on a story through time and space..

Mid-May 2010: People and I (who were a bit under the influence after kickball) came up with the very very clever idea to meet another amigo who was already going to be in Las Vegas, NV during the weekend.  After being influenced by beer and flaming hot munchies (get your mind out of the gutter), I somehow agreed to accompany my friends on this journey… only if I didn’t have to drive and others would be going with me as well.

So somehow, three of us dumbasses agreed on the idea to embark on an 14 hour / each way road trip adventure to Las Vegas from Denver I… you can follow some of the epic discussion chat below.

8:56 AM B: Did you find a check in time at all, I couldn’t find one
8:57 AM me: everywhere I’ve been reading says it takes 13 hours to drive there haha
9:01 AM B: Well 13 hours then mike
It could take 48 hrs, let’s gtfo of here
9:02 AM me: haha

9 minutes
9:11 AM me: but yeah, if we left around 7pm tonight, we’d get in around 5 AM.
9:13 AM B: If I beat 13 hours, you have to ride on the roof on the way home
9:14 AM me: haha those calculations were actually based on a 10 hour drive which I think is a bit more reasonable. It‘s 8 hours from Grand Junction, which is like a 2.5 hour drive from denver – without ski traffic.
I just don’t know how the hell this is all going to work haha
9:15 AM B: Stop worrying michael, you worry too much
9:16 AM Smoke another J and chill
9:19 AM me: haha I’m just being real
B: Keep it real
9:20 AM me: and so if we left at like noon on sunday, we would be back here at like 10-11 pm haha
9:21 AM B: Have a little faith mike
9:22 AM me: you can’t fight physics.
9:24 AM B: Like I said, I drove from LA to denver in 13 hours. I kicked physics’ ass
9:25 AM me: haha

I was in charge of snacks / red bull / mountain dew inventory.  My mission was to keep the others awake enough to make it int LV.   We left Denver at 10pm… Got into Las Vegas at 9:00 am.

We made several pit stops along the way… my friends are cancer smokers so of course we had to do the “cross  the border celebratory cig break.” I also found some snus in the dashboard after my friend and I lost a pen after spinning it too much (while driving).

I don’t know if you’ve ever been on a road trip, but if you go, I would not recommend that you depart during the middle of the night… It starts to mess with your brain when you’re bored in a  pitch black hole and have nothing to do but talk about girls, work, and music for 14 hours straight.

So, around 3 am or so, we were halfway across Utah; we were sleep deprived, famished, tired – but all in high spirits. Across utah there area scenic areas to stop called “view areas”… which at 3 in the morning with no other visitors for at least a quarter mile in any direction might as well be called “piss areas” because that’s what they are used for.

One particular scenic “view area” we drove past for a while had many many road sign exits for something called “Ghost Rock.”  Given my rendered / sleep deprivation driven mind, I then had the idea of starting a band with these guys in the car… a band that would be forever be known as GHOST ROCK.

We’ve decided to call the first album “Debuque” – based on a oil rigging shitty town we drove by near Glenwood Springs, CO.

My band is more techno / electropop type music but we also have a bit of acoustic guitar and violin tracks… All of which have not been made (yet).

Below you will find the tracklisting and album art I made for the double platinum album … that has no songs made yet… but believe the hype we are going to be amazing.

1. Road Damage
2. Tales From De Beque
3. Pissing on View Areas
4. IT Nector
4. Redballs: Tall Boy
5. Cross-border cig-break
6. 1 Hour Sleep
7. Untitled / Line Purgatory
8. Up n Out
9. Hot Hand in the Dice Game
10. A3
11. Up n Out Reprise
11. Confused Cow
12. How Pirates Work

Also… Here’s a promotional gif I made.  Feel free to promote / distribute as necessary on the interwebs.